Category | Quantity | Est. Mbps | Total |
CCTV Viewer |
Bandwidth Total | 0 | Est Bandwidth Avg | 0 | Mbps |
Mbps (ISP) | 0 | Est Bandwidth Rec | 0 | Mbps |
- Bandwidth Total: This is the total from the table above.
- Mbps (ISP): This is the recommended ISP speed based on 100% usage
(rounded up to the closest most common ISP provided speeds). - Est. Bandwidth Avg: This is the estimated average bandwidth these devices will use at any given point.
- Est. Bandwidth Rec: This is the estimated bandwidth recommended for this configuration.
Disclaimer: Please note that the bandwidth estimates provided by this calculator are based on personal experiences and input from other individuals in the IT field. They may not necessarily reflect real-life results. Users are encouraged to conduct their own testing and research to determine their actual bandwidth requirements. This calculator is intended for quick estimation purposes only and the author assumes no responsibility for any consequences arising from its use.